I recommend trained counsellors from "Better Help": https://goo.gl/dhdU3k (Please note: I do not work for these guys Wishing you better sleep, peaceful meditations before sleep and inspired living
DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO SLEEP MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. apple vinegar diet | apple cider vinegar benefits | best|uses|drink|weight loss . . . . . . All therapists are PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLORS . I am an affiliate Rapid Weight Loss - Keeping Your Weight At Bay If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help ) Being transparent to you, if you sign up with them, I am offered a small percentage of the fee - however, please be assured, I am only recommending them due to their worthiness and the feedback I have received from my subscribers (Plans start at $35.00 per week.) I have suggested many people to them and from all reports, they match the best counsellor with the client
Get more great sleep - Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqPYhcdFgrlUXiGmPRAej1w?sub_confirmation=1
FREE resources: https://jasonstephenson.net/lp/free-resources/
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Listen to more meditation and music:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1DbGUgDfEgFlJpUVCdiBxa
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/jason-stephenson/164036371
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/jasonstephenson
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoE8W2zJppAlRYfJ-Nu2rOw
Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Music-Jason-Stephenson/s?rh=n%3A163856011%2Cp_27%3AJason+Stephenson
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/4994599
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